Hiking and Trekking

Preserving Recipe Ideas
Preserving includes a variety of techniques including canning, freezing, drying, fermenting, and pickling.
This is a very technical and scientific process that can easily go wrong. For example, if using an old recipe with tomatoes it will not work as tomatoes are less acidic now and as such not reach the required acidity for preservation.
Similarly, if there is too much fat in the meat used to make jerky it will become rancid and possibly make you ill compared to jerky that is correctly made.
Bush Cooking will provide quick recipe versions that still require refrigeration and similar rather than long-term storage. For true preserving recipes please use an approved source and approved recipe.
A great starting resource is the National Center for Home Food Preservation and USDA’s Compete Guide to Home Canning.
Our Best Preserving Recipes
Hiking and Trekking
Asian Beef Fridge Jerky
Apple Chips
Quick Pickle Grapes
Newest Preserving Recipes
Hiking and Trekking
Asian Beef Fridge Jerky
Hiking and Trekking
Strawberry Fruit Leather
Hiking and Trekking
Orange-Soy Wild Pig Jerky
Hiking and Trekking
Dehydrated Banana
Hiking and Trekking
Strawberry Cured Salmon
Quick Pickle Grapes
Apple Chips