Host Your Recipes

Recipe creators in the outdoor cooking world create recipes for various reasons. Typically, in support of a bigger goal or activity such as being part of a marketing plan, promoting a product, or building a personal brand.

Whatever the objective, Bush Cooking can be another tool in your promotional strategy to get exposure.

If you are already cooking, even if not publishing the recipe, the significant investment in time, food, and consumables can further be leveraged by hosting the recipe on Bush Cooking as another channel to reach your audience.

Table of Contents
  1. Social Media Expansion
  2. Brand Recipes
  3. Your Website Recipe Alternative
  4. Cookbook Authors
  5. Promote Your YouTube Video
  6. Recipe Bloggers
  7. Outdoor Blogger
  8. Consolidated Recipe Profile
  9. TV Shows

Social Media Expansion

It is amazing how often a series of amazing photos pass through social media with no recipe, perhaps later being shared in the comments in response to curious readers requesting it.

The work is done, and the money is spent on creating it, but it is shared in a way that has a life span of a couple of days before it is lost to the depths of social media, rarely ever seen again.

This same content can be shared with Bush Cooking and hosted in an evergreen environment searchable by users looking for this exact type of recipe content.

You too can link it or use it again in future marketing, saving time and money as your brand and your audience grow meaning it is fresh to these new viewers.

Brand Recipes

Most outdoor cooking equipment brands have a recipe tab or section somewhere on the website. These range in quality at the low end from ‘coming soon’ where the designer put it there, but other needs of the business meant that filling it never made it to the top of the list and remain empty years later.

Other brands may have a recipe that looks great but none of the technical smarts behind it, leaving it as a text or a news format to be overlooked by the highly competitive search for recipes.

Should the recipe be of quality sitting only on a brand page it is targeted at users who’ve already purchased the product. Perhaps there is some value-add or loyalty that can be achieved. Return on Investment could come from purchasing accessories or perhaps even eventually an upgrade. The same recipe could be shared with Bush Cooking where it would be exposed to an even greater audience. These are potential new customers, building brand awareness in the outdoor cooking community.

The cost of creating a recipe with photos, food, time, and consumables is spent. Hosting it on Bush Cooking allows this content an additional location for potential reach.

Your Website Recipe Alternative

Always wanted a recipe element to the brand? But never had the resources or knew where to start?

Bush Cooking has worked with many brand’s skeleton recipes with photos (which is all that is required to be provided) to host and fully optimize them to create a professional-looking recipe and brand recipe page.

These brands have then used a variety of methods to connect them from Bush Cooking to their own website. The most popular being…

Recipe Tab
A user clicks on the tab, and it opens their landing page on Bush Cooking.

Recipe Index
The recipe has a photo index with the title and the photo when clicked opens the recipe on Bush Cooking


Recipe Post
There is a recipe post, but this is more text-based and focused on the product brand and how to use it. When it reaches the bottom where there is traditionally a ‘recipe card’ it links to Bush Cooking.

Cookbook Authors

A common strategy for a cookbook author is to pick a few showcase recipes from their book and use these as teasers for people to get a feel and eventually buy the book.

These recipes are often sample pages on eCommerce sites like Amazon and shared with magazines, newspapers, and similar. They are also often shared on social media.

These recipes may now also be shared on Bush Cooking which is targeted at outdoor cooks making it perfect for authors of cookbooks on camping, hunting, barbecue, grilling, Dutch oven, and much more.

Promote Your YouTube Video

YouTube channels are a great promotional option or even a revenue source. To get exposure for a video it can be shared on social media platforms.

If a recipe video embed is allowed for Bush Cooking, we will build the recipe around it in the standard format that is used across the website. The embedded video continues to gain views for its creator, whilst Bush Cooking is used as an additional tool to reach the outdoor cooking target market.

Although it is legal and accepted practice that anyone can embed any YouTube video, Bush Cooking will only do so if the creator chooses to create a contributor’s page and gives permission for Bush Cooking to use the videos.

Recipe Bloggers

Recipe bloggers have posts that are characterized by a long-form focus on the explanation and preamble creating the stereotypical long post. A recipe on Bush Cooking contrasts with the blogging style being very short-form and primarily the ‘recipe card’.

Bloggers in building their websites look for EAT also which is Expertise, Authority, and Trust. This in part can be built through backlinks from other websites. One of the byproducts of hosting on Bush Cooking is the creation of these as part of the contributor profile page.

Bush Cooking acts as an option to further promote a blog brand through a selection of their recipes to the target outdoor cooking demographic to make them aware of their work.

Outdoor Blogger

Whether a travel blogger, fisherman, vanlife, or general outdoor explorer every now and then a recipe becomes part of the content.

SEO is important for the success of any blog but often it’s optimized to their journalistic or news style of writing. Sometimes even unaware that there is a whole other level of optimization skills and requirements for recipes.

In this case, sharing the recipe with Bush Cooking allows a greater reach of the recipe content to expose the larger body of work by the outdoor blogger to the outdoor community.

Consolidated Recipe Profile

In the world of outdoor cooking, there are a lot of ambassadors, content creators, competition cooks, and similar who are working with multiple brands, events, competitions, and similar cooking, creating, and/or promoting recipes but they are shared across a range of websites, YouTube channels, magazines, and social media.

Bush Cooking can act as a central location to collect and share all these recipes in a clean standardized format as a showcase of their complete work.

Note: if this is your situation, please review your contractor agreement if they purchase the full rights of the recipe or just permission to republish or use it. Purchasing a recipe is a far more expensive relationship so often the agreement is just for the use.

TV Shows

There are a lot of TV shows with great followings, but the recipes are not leveraged as a resource or ongoing marketing content.

Bush Cooking can host the TV show’s recipes. This can be done by editing the episode to create a recipe video then embedding or simply using photos.

Example: Season 1 Dippers Backyard Barbecue Wars