Thank you for considering submitting recipes for use on!
The website has a wide range of quality recipes and to achieve this it is important that all the recipes are submitted and to a consistent standard. Below is the key information needed to understand what submitting a recipe means and key requirements.
Legal Overview
This is a general overview and does not replace any of the full legal text which can be found here.
You, as a contributor, own and always will own your recipes, description, and photos. Permission is given to Bush Cooking to host and use as they desire. Bush cooking writes and owns the description which is unique to Bush Cooking, if Bush Cooking chooses to re-photograph a recipe, then Bush Cooking will own those new photos.
Further Information: This is consistent with recipe copyright whereby the description and photos are covered by copyright of the creator, but not the recipe itself including ingredients, method, and similar. Please read these references for further information on recipe copyright American Recipe Copyright and Australian Recipe Copyright.
Bush Cooking has let the authors use their photos for other purposes but requests to be informed, this is particularly important for online applications to make sure that there are no duplicate content issues (this can cause penalties to both websites the photo/recipe is hosted on).
Recipe Contributors Page
Every recipe MUST be linked to a recipe contributor page, more information can be found about there here. There must be a minimum of six recipes before any will be made live.
There is a survey to collect the information which is located here (c/o survey monkey).
The Recipe Requirements
Text Requirements
Generally speaking, Bush Cooking does the heavy lifting with the writing of the recipe with its own specific style guide to keep consistency for the end-user (aka the person cooking the recipe). There is a comprehensive style-guide that leads these decisions. So please don’t spend too much time worrying about the wordsmithing or details of the recipe.
- Ingredients with amounts – note: unless a sponsored recipe we do not include brand names
- Equipment list – e.g. wood types, Dutch oven sizes
- Basic instructions/procedures – this is how you made it including times of each step, especially cooking
- Number of serves
Photo Requirements
All photos are edited to fit the position size requirements and general website style. The preference is towards raw images that have not been edited or had filters applied. Photos taken on most modern phones work great.
- MUST send a minimum of 4 photos
- MUST be a minimum of 1,200 x 1,200 pixels – larger better
- When possible use a cooking photo as the lead photo, so please don’t send all ‘plated’ shots
- Where possible take the photos outside in natural light in shade (thus no harsh shadows in the image)
- Please remember this is an outdoor recipe website so photos taken in a kitchen should be avoided