Although low in fat the skin is still one of the best sources of fat with a game bird, so if one is good two are better. Meet the Double Skin Game Bird.
1pheasant(2 chukar/grouse, 3 pigeons or 4 quail), cleaned and dressed
skin from one chicken
olive oil
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C).
Salt and pepper the inside and outside of the bird(s).
If cooking more than one bird, divide the chicken skin into equal parts. Drape the chicken skin over the game bird(s), securing with toothpicks if needed.
Place the onions in a shallow roasting pan, placing the bird(s) on top. Drizzle with olive oil.
Roast for 45 minutes or until a meat thermometer reaches 150 to 160 degrees F (66 to 71 degrees C). Baste occasionally with pan drippings.